The Purple Crayon

Purple Crayon Search

To get better search results, try these tips from the people:
  • Use quotation marks:
    Example: "writing children's books"
    For accurate searching, this is a great technique. Put quotation marks around words which must appear next to each other, such as in a phrase or someone's name. For example, you could try "writing children's books." Without the quotation marks, the search will be for the words writing, children, and books (the "s" is ignored), not necessarily in that order. You could get many irrelevant results.
  • Use similar words:
    Example: books writing manuscripts
    The more similar words you use in a search, the greater the number of results you will get back. Of course, you may get more than you want.
  • Check your spelling: Make sure your search terms are spelled correctly.
  • Use multiple words:
    Example: unsolicited manuscript
    Use multiple words when searching. The search results will return more refined results from several words than from a single word. For example, typing unsolicited manuscript will yield more relevant results than typing only manuscript.
If you can't find the information you need after searching here and browsing through my site, you should feel free to contact me.